Tuning in to the Intuitive

Within us lies an ability and natural gift so incredible, that once we know how to tap into it, the answers to many of the questions we seek in life are right there at our fingertips. Original Eumundi Market Stallholder Tracey Rhodes recognised that ability within herself from a very young age.  Now she is a well-known and respected professional in her field of practice, working with clients from all around the world.

Tracey works with sound, light language, and activations for spiritual development. She is a practicing Selenite Sword Healer with Tom Ledder, studied under Doreen Virtue and won a Scholarship with Janet Attwood in 2013, her sessions are her own creation.

“It’s all about learning to trust your own intuition and inner knowing’, says Tracey. “Once you accept you have this ability, it is then just a matter of practicing and finetuning that natural gift to bring clarity to your day to day life experiences.”

Tracey provides her clients with one on one readings, online sessions, and workshops.  Her personal website is a menu of experiences just waiting to be discovered. All of Tracey’s sessions are channelled and full of love, laughter, wisdom, and joy. She takes you on a journey within, so that you access your own halls of wisdom, akashic records and mastery of self.

As Tracey shared; people are drawn to her because they may be at a stage in life where they feel stuck, cornered, or uncertain of the path forward; have relationship or family issues troubling them; or are unsure about a job direction or new opportunity life has presented them.  The private session gives that clarity and purpose.

Tracey helps to call back parts of self that have been lost or hidden, from childhood, past lives or from being in a relationship that you have lost yourself within. When this happens, it opens the individual up to seeing life more clearly and begin the path to restore the understanding and acceptance of where you are and have been.

Tracey has been a stallholder at the Original Eumundi Markets for just over 5 years, nestled up under the trees in front of the CWA hall.  It’s a safe space for anyone to come and tap into a new direction in life. David from Melbourne is typical of Tracey’s clients. ‘Each year I have a reading with Tracey as she hits the mark every time to the date. I first saw her at Eumundi now I have readings by phone.’

Whether you come on a Sacred Spiritual Retreat, have a Reading, attend an Online Meditation, Workshop, or have a private session with Tracey, she helps you to access your own halls of wisdom, align the parts of self that have been lost or hidden and add clarity to restore the understanding of your life purpose. This is your gift and opportunity for self-discovery, self-mastery, and deep inner peace to trust in your own soul path. You are your healer; Tracey is your guide.


The Original Eumundi Markets are themselves a must have experience for everyone, every Wednesday and Saturday, where you too can discover the story behind the stallholder come rain hail or sunshine.

One Response

  1. Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift of exposure, it was such a seamless experience and honour. Our Original Eumundi markets certainly are made of a soul family of wonderful, professional business people, change makers and carers of the environment. shine on Eumundi Markets and here’s to another 40+ years.

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